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How to remove the dynamic objects after merging 200 or more frames?

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2021 10:08 am
by vimal_chawda
I have 10,000 frames and I want to follow the task:

1- Wanted to remove the dynamic objects? Please see the fig1
2- Wanted to finely align and orientation can be done by transformation matrix which is already completed. But I am not satisfied with ICP or finely alignment of points in my point cloud. I have 4 sensors and same static environment where we're just tracking moving objects in the crossing like pedestrian, car, bike etc. Different times measurements has been done and I want to align them finely, so it will be more than 4 gb data with four sensors. How can I align finely? Please see the 4 position shows in the fig2
2- Extract the plane and semantic objects ?