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[Done] Faciliting registration of 'messy' clouds

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 9:34 am
by andrewmcunliffe
Hi Daniel

Thanks again for developing this fantastic software. I'm working with TLS-derived clouds of natural environments with lots of vegetation, which are consequently quite 'messy' so I've had to employ point-pairs for registration without ICP matching. I've registered quite a few clouds over the last few months, and have a couple of requests to improve usability and make the process much more efficient which I think would be straightforward to implement.

- Currently, it's only possible to remove the latest set of controls point from the registration list; occasionally, point-pairs are miss-assigned, and it is frustrating having to remove all subsequent control points to correct the error. Would it be possible to add the option to remove specific point-pairs?
- If this functionality is added, would it be possible to add a column displaying the RMS error once clouds have been aligned (but before the transformation is applied), to help users check whether a particular point-pair is contributing disproportionately to the overall transformation, so that the accuracy of this point-pair can be re-checked?
- When assigning point-pairs, it very useful to be able to rotate the cloud around a local rotation point; however, once an initial alignment was applied (to facilitate the assignment of additional point-pairs), it was only possible to assign a new rotation centre in the 'reference' cloud. Would it be possible to keep being able to select new rotation centres in the 'align' cloud after an initial alignment is applied?
- When changing point display size (using the controls in the top left of the display window), it's often difficult to see where the control buttons actually are, as the button colours are similar to the point colours when default colours are used for scalers. Would it be possible to add a grey background box behind this control, so that when the cursor is moved into that areas it is easier to discern the buttons?

Thanks again,

Re: Faciliting registration of 'messy' clouds

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 6:50 pm
by daniel
Good ideas indeed. I'll add a link to this post in the TODO list.

Re: Faciliting registration of 'messy' clouds

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2014 9:45 am
by daniel
Okay that's all done now. Will be available in the next release (version 2.5.5 - hopefully at the end of the month).