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This tool is accessible via the 'Edit > Octree > Compute' OctreeSymbol.png menu.


Forces the computation of the octree on a given entity.

Edit > Octree > Compute dialog

The octree spatial extents can be set in various ways:

  • default: the smallest cube that totally includes the entity bounding-box
  • cell size at max level: the user can define the cell size at the smallest level of subdivision (the octree box will then be 2N larger, where N is the maximum octree level)
  • custom: the user can define a custom bounding-box with a dedicated sub-dialog

The maximum octree level (or number of subdivisions) is N=10 in the 32 bits version and N=21 in the 64 bits version.

Note: this operation is generally not necessary (i.e. octree computation is done automatically by CloudCompare when necessary).