Instance Segmentation Labeling / Classes

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Instance Segmentation Labeling / Classes

Post by RayanAlAkkad »


I'm working on something on cloud compare and I need your help with it. I'm trying to label my model in cloud compare. Is it possible to do so? I have 3 classes in my model. For example, my model is a small house, inside the house, there is a chair as class 1, a table as class 2, and a screen as class 3. And I want to label each class with a different color. Then once I'm done I want to export it. Is it possible to do so?
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Re: Instance Segmentation Labeling / Classes

Post by daniel »

Yes, but that's not super easy:
- segment your cloud so as to have 3 different clouds (one per class). Typically with the scissors tool, but the Label Connected Components might help
- on each cloud, either set a different color (if that's sufficient), or add a constant scalar field (with 'Edit > SF > Add constant SF') and set a different value each time
- merge the 3 clouds
- export them as an ASCII file, or any other format that can store RGB or scalar fields (depending on what you chose)

Mind that you can also rename the constant scalar field (with 'Edit > SF > rename')
Daniel, CloudCompare admin
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