E57 Scalar Saving Issue

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E57 Scalar Saving Issue

Post by wuhanshuo »

I have an E57 file with X,Y,Z,R,G,B,Intensity information. I want to label it, i.e., add a new scalar field 'Material'. However when I saved the file as E57 and open the new file, the second scalar field 'Material' just got lost and only 'Intensity' was there.

Besides, if I delete the original 'Intensity' field after labeling (only 'Material' field was kept), and then saved the file, the field named ' intensity' was still there, but its values were replaced with material labels.

If I save the file as TXT after labeling, the intensity and label fields are always saved perfectly, but TXT is not what I want.

It seems the E57 file only accept one scalar filed named 'intensity' exactly. Is it because the file header needs to be modified somehow?
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Re: E57 Scalar Saving Issue

Post by daniel »

Correct, E57 files don't support the concept of generic scalar fields. Only 'intensities' are accepted (and CC will use the SF named 'intensity').
Daniel, CloudCompare admin
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