How can I implement point picking function in my own plugin?

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How can I implement point picking function in my own plugin?

Post by yjf27281181 »

Hi daniel,
My problem is that I want to add point picking function in my plugin and it seems I should inherit ccPointPickingGenericInterface and implement some virtual functions. However, when I inherited ccPointPickingGenericInterface and compiled my plugin, the following errors occurred:

error LNK2019 unresolved external symbol "public: __cdecl ccOverlayDialog::ccOverlayDialog(class QWidget *)" (??0ccOverlayDialog@@QEAA@PEAVQWidget@@@Z),referenced in function "public: __cdecl ccYjfDlg::ccYjfDlg(class QWidget *)" (??0ccYjfDlg@@QEAA@PEAVQWidget@@@Z) referenced in QYJF_PLUGIN D:\2016program\2016CC\trunk-build\plugins\qYJFPlugin\ccYjfDlg.obj 1

error LNK2001 unresolved external symbol "public: virtual void __cdecl ccOverlayDialog::reject(void)" (?reject@ccOverlayDialog@@UEAAXXZ) QYJF_PLUGIN D:\2016program\2016CC\trunk-build\plugins\qYJFPlugin\ccYjfDlg.obj 1

error LNK2001 unresolved external symbol "protected: virtual bool __cdecl ccOverlayDialog::eventFilter(class QObject *,class QEvent *)" (?eventFilter@ccOverlayDialog@@MEAA_NPEAVQObject@@PEAVQEvent@@@Z) QYJF_PLUGIN D:\2016program\2016CC\trunk-build\plugins\qYJFPlugin\ccYjfDlg.obj 1

How can I resolve that? or do I have any other ways to fulfill my requirement?
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Re: How can I implement point picking function in my own plugin?

Post by daniel »

No, actually you should only use the ccPickingHub interface. See how it's used in some CloudCompare tools directly, or in the qCompass plugin.

The ccPointPickingGenericInterface is only used by the 'Point picking' and 'Point list picking' tools of CloudCompare.
Daniel, CloudCompare admin
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