qCC_io version 2.13.alpha (Qt) - 31 May 2022
CloudCompare standard I/O filters (file readers & writers)
Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12]
 CAsciiHeaderColumnsDefault ASCII header columns
 CccGlobalShiftManagerHelper class to handle big coordinates shift/scale (typically while loading entities)
 CFileIOFilterGeneric file I/O filter
 CAsciiFilterASCII point cloud I/O filter
 CBinFilterCloudCompare dedicated binary point cloud I/O filter
 CDepthMapFileFilterDepth map I/O filter
 CDxfFilterAutocad DXF file I/O filter
 CImageFileFilterFilter to load or save an image (all types supported by Qt)
 CPlyFilterStanford PLY file I/O filter
 CFileIOFilter::LoadParametersGeneric loading parameters
 CplyElementPLY file nuclear element
 CPlyOpenDlgDialog for configuration of PLY files opening sequence
 CplyPropertyPLY file properties
 CAsciiOpenDlgDialog for configuration of ASCII files opening sequence
 CAsciiSaveDlgDialog for configuration of ASCII files saving sequence
 CPlyOpenDlgDialog for configuration of PLY files opening sequence
 CccShiftAndScaleCloudDlgDialog for selection of cloud center
 CFileIOFilter::SaveParametersGeneric saving parameters
 CAsciiOpenDlg::SequenceItemASCII open sequence item
 CccGlobalShiftManager::ShiftInfoShift and scale info