qCC_db version 2.13.alpha (Qt) - 31 May 2022
CloudCompare 3D entities
Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345678]
 CccOctree::BestRadiusParamsParameters for the GuessBestRadius method
 CccChunkFake chunked array management
 CccClipPlaneSimple (clipping) plane equation
 CccColorScaleElementColor scale element: one value + one color
 CccColorScalesManagerColor scales manager/container
 CccDepthBufferSensor "depth map"
 CccDrawableObjectGeneric interface for (3D) drawable entities
 CccGenericGLDisplayGeneric interface for GL displays
 CccGLShortcuts to OpenGL commands independent on the input type
 CccGLCameraParametersOpenGL camera parameters
 CccGLDrawContextDisplay context
 CccGriddedToolsTools dedicated to gridded clouds
 CccHObjectCasterUseful class to (try to) statically cast a basic ccHObject to a given type
 CccInteractorInteractor interface (entity that can be dragged or clicked in a 3D view)
 CccLogMain log interface
 CccMinimumSpanningTreeForNormsDirectionMinimum Spanning Tree for normals direction resolution
 CccNormalCompressorNormal compressor
 CccNormalVectorsCompressed normal vectors handler
 CccPlanarEntityInterfaceInterface for a planar entity
 CccPointCloudLODL.O.D. (Level of Detail) structure
 CccRasterCellRaster grid cell
 CccRasterGridRaster grid type
 CccSerializableObjectSerializable object interface
 CccSerializationHelperSerialization helpers
 CccSingleton< T >Generic singleton encapsulation structure
 CccUniqueIDGeneratorUnique ID generator (should be unique for the whole application instance - with plugins, etc.)
 CccWaveformProxyWaveform proxy
 CccExternalFactory::ContainerA convenience holder for all factories
 CccColor::ConvertColor space conversion
 CccDrawableObject::DisplayStateDisplay state
 CccCameraSensor::FrustumInformationFrustum information structure
 CccColor::GeneratorColors generator
 CglDrawParamsDisplay parameters of a 3D entity
 CccPointCloud::GridGrid structure
 CccGriddedTools::GridParametersGrid (angular) parameters
 CccCameraSensor::IntrinsicParametersIntrinsic parameters of the camera sensor
 CccCameraSensor::KeyPointKnowing the ideal projection of a 3D point, computes what would be the real projection (through a lens)
 Ccc2DLabel::LabelInfo1One-point label info
 Ccc2DLabel::LabelInfo2Two-points label info
 Ccc2DLabel::LabelInfo3Three-points label info
 CccCameraSensor::LensDistortionParametersLens distortion parameters (interface)
 CLODLevelDescLevel descriptor
 CccPointCloudLOD::NodeOctree 'tree' node
 CccPointCloudInterpolator::ParametersGeneric interpolation parameters
 Ccc2DLabel::PickedPointPicked point descriptor
 CccScalarField::RangeScalar field range structure
 CccPointCloudLOD::RenderParamsParameters of the current render state
 CccColor::RgbaTpl< Type >RGBA color structure
 CccColor::RgbTpl< Type >RGB color structure
 CTexCoords2D2D texture coordinates
 CccPointCloud::vboSetVBO set
 Cstd::vector< T >STL class